St Augustine's Church
Broadwater Road
Church Office 0208 772 4454​
Vicar: The Revd Angela Rayner
07385 181103​
Below you will find more about church and the things we do.
During the year there are a number of opportunities to travel together for a day pilgrimage or to go further a field.
Recently we have visited Waverly Abbey, St Paul's Deptford, Rochester, Winchester, the National Gallery and the British Museum, as well as taking part in the national pilgrimage to St Albans and seeing the York Mystery Plays.
The more adventurous have travelled to Holy Island, York and Durham. In 2014 we visited the Holy Land. In July 2015 we explored the arrival of St Augustine in Kent. We explored our Christian traditions in Rome and Assisi in 2017. In 2018 we have visited Salisbury and Ethiopia.
In June 2019 we will travelling to sites and shrines in West Kent. We were planning for a pilgrimage to Jordan on 2020. Details HERE
Community celebrations
Emancipation Day
On the first Sunday of August we celebration Emancipation Day commemorating the abolition of slavery in the British Empire.
We mark this moment of liberation with a celebration eucharist followed by a meal together.
St Augustine's News
Our monthly magazine - St Augustine's News - brings together news, christian comment, prayer and much more.
St Augustine's enjoys links with the West Indian Family and Friends Association, and Foundation (UK). Both groups gather at St Augustine's for their annual thanksgiving services.